Monday, 15 March 2010

Feedback Questionnaire

by Emma
After we finished our rough cut of our music video, we decided to get some feedback from the general public as well as media and drama students from the college. We thought this would help us gain ideas for our evaluation, as well as helping to make a few adjustments to the video that we felt were needed.

Please circle the following:

I am: Male Female

I am: 16 17 18+

I prefer: Rock and Roll Pop RnB Metal Trance/Techno

Other music preferences: .......................................................

1. Did you understand the storyline/plot of the video?

Yes No

2. Do you think the video has been put together well?

Yes No

3. What did you think of the colour effects used?

Poor Ok Different Interesting Good It suits the genre

4. Please define your hilight of the video:

5. Please write any critical comments about what you think should be changed:

6. As we tried to give the impression that there were lots of people in several scenes, did you think we portrayed this?

Bad Good Impressive I didn't notice there weren't many people

7. If you had a choice, what would you add?

More Band scenes More Factory scenes More of the lead girl


8. What did you expect to see judging from the introduction of our video?

A gig A love story Ludlow Castle shots A Black and White video A story based round the musician


9. Did you like the introduction?


1. Did you understand the storyline?
Yes 22
No 1

2. Do you tink the video was well put together?

Yes 23

No 0

3. What did you think of the colour effects used? (Tick accordingly)

Poor 0

Okay 0

Different 0

Interesting 8

Good 6

It suits the genre 13

4. Please define your highlight of the video:

"Factory Scenes"

"Shakiness of the camera"

"The performance works well and I liked the Factory scenes"

"I think the band scenes were filmed really well"

"The Landlady"

"The Music and 60's theme"

"The Factory scenes"

"The Ending"

"The use of Black and White"

"Graveyard scene was a good ending, and the black and white footage of the band"

"The Ending"

"The Band"

"The musician by the grave at the end"

"The lead girl in the toilet, where the camera slowed down"

"The Drummer"

"The Band scenes"

"The fact that the band looked genuine"

"The Band"

"The fact you used college people as extras"

5. Please write any critical comments that could improve the video:

"None. Really enjoyed it"

"Edie being thrown out is not completely believable"


"Could be clearer about Factory"

"The lip synching was slightly out at times"

"The bit where the camera zooms in on Yona, it's not entirely clear that he mistakes her for the other girl, also it's not entirely clear that Owen is Andy Warhol"

"Maybe focus on the narrative a bit more. Some guitar miming could be more convincing"

"The lip synching could have been better"

"The fight between Warhol and Sedgwick could have been better"



"More transition effects"

"The sound at start, get rid of the clip with the tripod in, some of the edits were a bit sharp, and get rid of the clip where Warhol is talking" (Teacher's comments)

"The sound of the crowd jumps a bit"

"At the start when Matt didn't sing the right lyric"

6. Did we convey the idea that there were a lot of people present in some of the scenes?

Bad 0

Good 7

Impressive 9

I didn't notice there wern't many people 7

7. If you had the choice, what would you add?

More Band scenes 9

More Factory scenes 6

More of the Lead girl 5


"More close-ups"

(Some people didn't write anything down)

8. What did you expect to see from the introduction to our video? (Tick Accordingly)

A gig 15

A love story 5

Ludlow Castle 0

A Black and White video 5

A story based around the musician 0

9. Do you think the introduction worked?

I liked it 23

I didn't like it 0

10. Do you think we cast our 3 main leads well? (Tick Accordingly)


Ok 3

Good 15

They really suited the characters 8

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