Thursday 31 December 2009

Creative commons- Spitfire

By Jasmine
When we had researched Spitfire (our chosen band) we had found that it was quite tricky to find as it was on the creative commons website. This was disappointing as this site can only let you access bands songs and nothing further about their history. Other than if they have a social networking site such as MySpace, Facebook or Bebo, to let you listen to more of their music and even become fans.

Creative commons is a non-profitable organisation in which the user can add towards the world wide web (www) to build a unique individually creative site. As this organisation is legal, many people are able to upload and download music,images,videos etc for free. However, creative commons can also have its down points, as the following shows:


  • May be expensive to download files, which will persuade the market to either get it elsewhere or from an illegal website where you can download stuff for free.

  • Creativity- Even though this word signifies being artistic, what exactly is artistic about these websites? The only thing which makes these websites 'creative' is the way we are working togther to produce new ways of seeing things. It does not allow you to change the colours of the sites or anything else technical. However, even though this sounds quite true, social networking sites are the only way you can change your backgrounds,change fonts, say what your doing etc. This is so that you can create an image to the viewers about what your personality is like.

Whereas, its advantages are...:


  • Creative commons webite allows you to add media of your choice such as,images,videos,text,information,music and so on. These sites include, wikipedia,youtube and even social networking sites. These websites are all used so that people from all over the world can collaborate and create a unique way of seeing the media industry.

  • Creative commons allows you to access high quality sites so that you can enjoy your time on the internet throughout the day.

  • It can also be used effectively towards the music industry. This is because people can pay for the artists tracks to help them get into the download charts. Furthermore, people can upload their desired music videos onto such sites such as 'Youtube'. This is so that they can collaborate and share their own tastes of music to the world.

  • You do not have to be punished/ or fined for using sites. Whereas, if a user accesses certain sites which are illegal, they may have to pay an expensive fine, or in other serious cases, being prosecuted for creating the website.

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