Monday 21 December 2009


By Kat Nielsen
As soon as deciding our song we started discussing ideas for cast members, we want to go through with the idea of reliving the 60's Andy Warhol/Factory movement. For this we want a male lead who portrays a young man deeply in love with and almost obsessed with our lead girl, a girl who is very unoptainable, as she is a very famous celebrity. Male lead is also singer as he sings this song to our lead girl. Our lead girl will be more interested in her career helping out Andy Warhol at his factory, doing filming and modelling, and living the sex drugs and rock'n roll. Now we have been giving this a lot of thought and here are the people we need and the people we have in mind:

-Singer/male lead
-Girl who portrays a modern version of Edie Sedwick
-Andy Warhol

Male lead/Singer: Matt Carter (18)

One of Emma and Kat's fellow Drama students. Having had the large role of "Orin" in our College production of Little Shop of Horrors, we know that he can use strong emotion and portray our 60's character extremely well. Also, what we considered was his facial features and hair, he summs up our image of our singer with his cool rock'n roll exterior. Also he used to sing in a band in Brazil so it isn't completely new to him to do performance based acting.

'The Girl' - Jodie O'Callaghan (19)
We will be trying to convey the stereotypical image of 60's beauty by giving it a modern punk/rococo look. Back then women with clear skin, lush hair and big eyes were the starlets. Jodie is a photography student at our College and has several facial piercings, tattoos and likes wearing 'different' clothes, but still she does modelling and as an example above, she still looks beautiful, and we really can see her be perfect for our video in the way her and Matt would contrast.

Andy Warhol - Owen Lewis (17)Owen has everything we are looking for in a replica ofAndy Warhol, not only has he done "Art and Design" so knows who Andy Warhol is, but he has the hair, the face the body to be Andy Warhol, he has already agreed to let us dye his hair for his performance. He has minor acting experience but is very outgoing which we believe is the main essential ingredient when it comes to acting. Feeling comfortable with yourself.

-Matt and Jodie we have sent e-mail, and we hope they'll get back to us as soon as can be.

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