Tuesday 29 December 2009

Fashion in the 60's

Fashion in the 60's by
Jasmine Underhill

As we believe that this type of music is very similar to the Beatles, we have decided to research what people from the 60's used to wear and what style they used to have. This is so that we can gather our thoughts on what costumes to use in our music video for "Do You" from Spitfire.

As you may know, the Beatles were a fashion icon in the 60's as they developed new ways of creating unique individual styles. Although they were most famous for their songs, they also became very popular for their hair cuts. The 'mop-top' cut was very strange at first, as many people from the 60's used to have a traditional hair cut so that their hair would be straight and neat. However, it then became a fashion icon as many young boys had copied their sense of style. Although we may not use this for our cast it would of been a good idea to possibly use their style of haircuts for our video.

As we are using ideas from 'The Factory Girl' to help us figure out what to do for our video. We have decided to use their 60's themed fashion in our own music video.
As Edie Sedgewick was inspired to become an artist/model we believe that this would be most suitable if we were to copy some of her looks. We had noticed that Edie had used False Eyelashes in most of her looks so that she looks elegant and far most glamorous to any other person in that decade. We will most probably use false eyelashes for Edie's character (Jodie) in the music video to resemble her trends as a "Factory Girl".

The image on the left is of Edie wearing a black mini dress to show off her figure. I had noticed that the use of earrings she had used was quite significant as part of her image. This is because they were very large and chunky to create a fashion statement. An item in which you would always catch Edie wearing is her cigarettes, not physically but she would always have one where ever she would go even if it was in her bed. It is known that she has been caught setting her room alight whilst falling asleep with her cigarette in her hand. Back in the 60's, cigarettes were often a norm in society, as many people had smoked as they believed that it was very fashionable as many celebs would have one. This would be a good idea for our video as I believe that it can make it more realistic as we are going to record scenes that may have been set in the 60's. Our cast e.g Jodie and Matt may use many cigarettes in the video, especially Jodie as she is replicating Edie Sedgewick. Luckily both of our cast members smoke already, so there wont be a problem if we ask politely. We will probably not let our 3rd cast member,Owen, replicating Andy Warhol have a cigarette in the video. This is because we have researched that Andy Warhol was against smoking, and that he didnt particularly want to damage his health.

I have added a video via youtube, showing a huge range of pictures of the styles Edie had created in the 60's......

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