Monday 11 January 2010

Ideas for Music Video

*Have musician get out of a Moris Minor at the beginning, before the music begins, and have him walking into concert area
*Have old-classic film countdown at beginning

*He enters into a theatre/arena and it cuts to stage, with a band and audience already set up. (This is all happening when the music starts playing before the singing)

*Musician could be in black and white to represent time and the contrast between his world and Andy and Edie's colourful world.

* He should be performing when the first lyric "I couldn't reach you when you set it to the ground" is being sung.

*The shot then cuts to Edie, walking barefoot around the street, partying with Warhol in the Factory, in studio being shot and eating in a restaurant with the Factory members.

*When the lyric "I couldn't reach you when you said you were hanging around" is playing, he could try to ring her in a red telephone box and it cuts to a phone in a flat which is surrounded by people but noone can hear it.

*When the lyric "I couldn't see you when you said turn off the lights" is playing, the musician could be watching Edie through her flat window, or peeking behind a door while she gets dressed, relaxes, hangs round with other men etc. but then she switches off the lights and so he can no longer see.

*When the lyric "I couldn't see you when you said "I'm sure I'm right" is playing, it could be Edie arguing with the musician who is trying to persuade her to leave Andy's world and come with him, but she resists, walks off and fades out with the rest of the Factory.

*When the lyrics "Life thrust down into a rush, nothing else matters much" and "Sometimes makes me lose my mind, yeah it does, it make me lose my mind", there could be more shots of Edie having fun in the factory but contrasted with dark, shaky clips of her doing drugs, shaking, looking dis-orientated along with shots of a more sinister side to the Factory and Warhol.

* When the lyric "I couldn't hear you when you said turn out the sound" is playing, Edie is walking around perhaps a trainstation under disguise (sunglasses and scarf aka Grace Kelly) and musician spots her and just before he runs over to give her a letter or say hello, papazarri and fans also spot her and he is pushed back by the crowds.

*At the end, the performer could either spot Edie in the crowd but it is a copycat wannabe OR the camera draws back from the TV, to show Edie sprawled over the floor in her now empty flat, obviously drunk or passed out.

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