By Jasmine UnderhillAs we are designing and making a music video, we need to consider the dangers of producing it. So, we have come up with an idea to create a risk assessment so that we are not harmed whilst producing our music video.The following shows dangers that may occur, and how harmful out of 10 we believe it is:*Cables-
We are most probably going to use many sources of technical equipment during the duration of the music video. Cables can be seen as a danger as people could trip on them and hurt themselves....Ouch! Rating: 6/10*Clothing/shoes-
If the clothing is too long for the cast member, they may trip on the material. Also if Jodie (who plays Edie) wears high heels she could also trip over or even sprain her ankle. Rating: 5/10*Weather-
As we are taking a small clip from outside (actually quite a few clips), we need to consider the weather as it may harm the cast member. Such as, if it is snowing or if there is ice on the pavement, the cast member may harm themselves and seriously injure themselves if they slip. Rating: 4/10 (depending on the weather)*Stage-
If the cast member does not look where they are going on the stage, they may fall off the stage and hurt themselves badly as the stage is quite high. Plus, they may also trip on the stairs on the stage. Rating: 6/10* Instruments-
As we are most likely using instruments in our video,we may encounter problems with getting them to the stage area. This is because we may have to carry heavy equipment up the stairs to the stage. This could harm us and cast members as it could fall back onto us or others. Rating: 8/10
*Costs/travelling- If we were to video scenes from different places, we would have to know how much it would cost to get there and back. If a member from the group did not have enough money to get back, or have an emergency contact number, they could put themselves into danger. Rating:9/10
We now need to consider resolving the problem. This is so that we can make sure that everyone is safe, and that we can work in a safe friendly environment:*Cables- We could make sure that the cables are securely tucked away from the stage area so that the cast members are less likely to trip. Rating now: 2/10*Clothing/Shoes-We will consider making the outfits shorter so that the cast members do not fall or trip over. However, it is likely that we will use high heels for Jodies character as Edie used to wear them a lot so we will have to be careful. Rating now: 3/10
*Weather- As we obviously cannot control the weather, we have decided to make sure that the cast knows to try their best to be aware of the ice if there is any at all. This will hopefully make them feel more safe and secure. Rating now:3/10
*Stage- We could possibly put a row of white tape a few inches from the edge of the stage and stairsThis is so that the cast member knows exactly where they should not cross as they could injure themselves. Rating now: 2/10
*Instruments-We could possibly ask members of staff from the Assembly Rooms if they could carry the equipment for us. Or we may even be able to take them in the lift so there is no hassle getting up the stairs. Rating now: 4/10
*Costs/travelling- To resolve this problem all we have to do is take extra money with us and make sure that we all have our mobile phones with us. This is so that we know exactly where everyone is and if they are safe or not. Rating now: 2/10