This lesson, we have been looking for a song to do for our project. We found two websites, and Jamendo is a worldwide creative commons website where you can upload and download different tracks and albums of all genres for free and without need for copyright. Ten thousand flushes is a band from Hereford that has it own fan Myspace page, which has tracks on it available to listen to and download. We selected 3 different songs that appealed to us, and we analysed each song for context ideas for a possible music video:
Ten thousand flushes-'Fighting for myself' By Jasmine When we had first listened to this song, we had found that it had a deeper meaning to it as the lyrics had shown to us that he is sticking up for himself in a certain situation in his life. We had come up with specific ideas which we had thought he was conveying in his song. We had thought that it may possibly be that he is being bullied or possibly being abused by his parents in his life and he wants to stick up for himself to stop this problem. This idea of "fighting" also suggests he is trying to survive the turmoil of his life and he sees this as the only way to get through the day. If we were to use this song for our music video, we could possibly create black and white scenes to show bad aspects of his life, and then resolving it during the end. As rock songs tend to be based around dark dull colours, we may suggest that we should include this for his costumes. However, as the lyrics to his songs are quite narrative we may suggest to use average day clothing so that it could make it look more like a story of his life.
Stephanie Bosch- "Broken Hearted Fool" By Emma
This song embodies someone (either the singer or the guy she is singing about) being broken and hurt by love, but trying to gain revenge to hurt the other person back because they are "obsessed" with them. This guy, we believe, tries every way to hurt
the narrator (e.g. by ignoring her) and yet one of them is caught up in love. For example the sinister tone of the song, and the psychotic ideas could maybe create an idea for a video in where he/she is locked in an asylum, which represents how they are locked in their head and thoughts due to the chain of their heart. In a possible video, we could use symbols of hearts and being broken and hate and being cracked. The laugh at the end suggests that she's done something quite scary and crazy, and makes her seem like the "mad one". Maybe the video could be a guess game to work out which of the lovers are the "obsessed one" and leave it on a cliffhanger.
Spitfire - 'Do you' by KatThere is so much we could do with this song, for example we could larg
ely embrace the 60's movement of the 'factory girls' aka Edie Sedgwick. This we believe would be a great task , trying to re-create the feel of the 60's and the notes on doing so at the moment are as following:
- The 50's-60's feel of the music (Bob Dylan, Beatles) inspired us to re-create the pop culture of the time

- We've come up with ideas for the video, the singer loves the girl who he sing about, but she is unoptainable because of her high status in the media and she is loved by every man in her presence
- The idea of "Do you run?" represents the character Edie's life because she always tried to escape, from her past and her old persona, this is portrayed in the film "The factory girl" which we as a group intend to watch and take notes from
- We want to strongly refer to the 60's using Andy Warhols artwork & factory, the beatles, rolling stones, morris minor, bob dylan, 60's costume and make up, the other factory girls ect
- Ideas for the video: Girl followed by paparazzi and her guards push them off, no one realises that the singer is amongst the paparazzies trying to get to the girl. The girl tries to be anonymous and people come asking for her autograph. The singer is excluded out of her life fx he looks through windows when she attends exhibitions or in her home with other high status people, this also emphasises where he stands in their 'relationship' Or when she is at a premiere or award ceremony he is left outside in the rain with a bucket of flowers. Ending - He believes she's come to see him play his song, but he realises its someone else who is embracing her fashion look. Opening - A shot of the singer in black and white as if he is performing on TV live.
- A clash between the 60's and modern days (clothes? props? settings? Staying eternally youthful but changing decades?)
- Considerable locations: Train station in Shrewsbury or Hereford, shots from the morris minor, the OK diner, old buildings, Ludlow Assembly rooms, Shrewsbury town centre, a house, Ludlow Assembly rooms cinema, a studio for a photoshoot (Oscars/studio?)
- guitar and drums were the only instruments used in the song, so look for this in a 60's style.
- Bold colours and clothes.
- When the girl does her modelling (Andy Warhol) we can use radiant make up and costume which Kathrine Nielsen will contribute to as she intends to study this at UNI.
- Photoshop/Coreldraw13 print photos of photoshoot of this girl - part of possible ending to show this girl is a piece of work by Andy Warhol
- Editing - enhance colours which also add's to the artistic vibe of the 60's