Wednesday, 24 February 2010


Monday 22nd February:

* 9am-11.30am: Kat and Emma fetched props, artwork,costume, cameras, tripods, and organised plans for the room.

*11.30am-12.30pm: All of us started setting up the room, and organised the extras and their roles.

*12.30pm-1pm: The two main leads, Sarah and Owen, turned up and we sorted out their costumes and explained their scenes.

*1pm-3.30pm: We filmed all the Factory scenes.

*3.30pm-4pm: Clear up.

Tuesday 23rd February:

*12pm-12.30pm: Kat and Emma fetched props, cameras, and costume.

*12.30pm- 1pm: Our two main leads, Sarah and Matt, turned up. We filmed the Musician's dressing room scene and Edie's and Musician's argument.

*1pm-2pm: Emma and Kat filmed Edie's individual scenes

*2pm- 2.40pm: Emma and Kat uploaded new footage, and started editing it.

*2.40pm- 3.40pm: All of us worked some more on editing clips together, and enhancing the colour and effects.

Wednesday 24th February:

*12pm-5pm: Kat and Emma spent on a whole afternoon on editing, as well as effects as they had spare time on their hands and now have a nearly finished video, except for 3 missing clips we still need to film! Jasmine came in for half an hour to help out too.

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