Friday 12 February 2010

To-do list (22nd and 23rd of February)

by Emma
Monday 22nd February

*Set up room and bring props/costume over to Ludlow Assembly Rooms (45 mins-1 hour)
*Film Opening of Andy's Factory
*Film Night time Party scene of Factory
*Film Photoshoot
*Film Restaurant scene
*Film Andy and Edie confrontation scene
*Film shot of Edie in elavator, looking rough
*Film Musician and Edie arguing scene
*Film Dressing Room scene
*Film Scene of Edie drunk, on drugs, in toilet

Tuesday 23rd February

*Film Edie at train station
*Film Edie sat in church gardens, drawing and smoking
*Film Edie stumbling up stairs and landlady having a go at her
*Film Edie sprawled on bed
*Film Edie walking down alleyway, looking rough
*Film Edie stumbling against a wall, smoking.

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